Dr. Ivana Marenzi

Position: Senior Researcher


Profile Photo

I was born in Pavia, Italy, in March 1972. After obtaining an academic degree in Modern Languages at the University of Pavia and a master in Media Science and Technology at the Institute of Advanced Studies (Pavia), I joined the L3S Research Center (www.L3S.de) of the Leibniz University of Hanover in Germany, where I obtained my PhD degree in 2014 on the interplay between Content and Language Integrated Learning and Web 2.0. Since than, I am senior researcher at the L3S Research Center. Throughout my career I specialised in the relationship between technology and communication. As educational technologist my main research interest in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) includes the support of collaborative and lifelong learning dealing with issues related to the adoption of new technologies in education. I collaborated in international European projects such as TERENCE, LinkedUP, LA4S (Learning Analytics for Small Universities), EU-MADE4LL, CLEOPATRA. I am referee for international journals (e.g. Elsevier LeaInD -Learning and Individual Differences journal, IJTEL) and conferences (EC-TEL, ICALT, ICWL, LILE), and have collaborated in organizing conferences (e.g. ICWL 2016) and workshops in the field of TEL (e.g. International Workshops on evidenced-based Technology Enhanced Learning (EbTEL2012) and Workshop on Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment (TEFA 2013, 2016).




Research Fields

  • Educational Technology
  • Web-based Learning
  • User Decision-Making Process
  • CLIL (Content and language integrated learning)


Tel: +49.511.762-17710
Fax: +49.511 762-17779
E-Mail: marenzi@l3s.de

List of Publications